Equitable Leadership is my passion!

Letters of Recommendation
Recent Letters
"Zac is always poised and calm, another important quality in an administrator. His poised demeanor is coupled with a “can do” spirit that is inspiring for those who he works with. He has shown this year he knows how, and when, to push people. He has been adept at providing the appropriate level of support so that teachers can become self-sufficient. Finally, Zac knows where to put the effort when the work is of utmost importance while not sweating the small stuff."
- Principal Kelly Rafferty, Santa Rita Elementary School 2023
"Mr. Hansel established and maintained relationships with his students by showing genuine interest in them and listening to them while holding them to consistently high expectations. He also made time to attend their sports games, performances, and other extracurricular events. In order to support student learning, Mr. Hansel worked as a professional learning community with our sites' SPED teacher, RSP teacher, interventionists, and myself to ensure student growth."
-Natalie Cannon, National Board Certified Teacher, Santa Rita 2023
"Zac has consistently demonstrated his effectiveness in organizing programs, supervising staff, and managing budgets. His warm and open-minded approach, combined with his excellent communication skills, has been instrumental in creating a supportive and inclusive school environment. His collaborative leadership style promotes trust and cooperation among staff members and encourages professional learning communities."
-Principal Greg Land, Blach Middle School 2023
"He has the necessary skills to not only collaborate with colleagues on curriculum, instruction and assessment, but on major school initiatives being implememented at the school, such as accreditation, standards-based grading, STEM, etc."
-Principal Elynne Chung, Mililani Middle School 2016
"He serves as a friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a teacher shapes the entire life of his students."
-Jennifer Winter, 6th Grade Math/Science 2016
"Since we have taught together, I have had the chance to see firsthand how he works. He has helped me turn a mediocre curriculum into one that truly encompasses what a STEM course should look like with greater rigor and interdisciplinary practices."
-Zach Wood, Tech Ed 2016
"Zac’s passion adds a fire to his work that can lift a room or wow an audience. The role modeling and values that are so needed in today’s schools are the foundation of Mr. Hansel’s character."
-Dr. Sean Tikkun, Teacher to the Visually Impared 2015
"Indeed, not only does he express a passion for teaching, he genuinely enjoys it, engaging students with new thoughts and ideas, helping then discover their own intersts and potential."
-Dr. Patrick Oden, Professor of Theology 2015
"Zac possesses admirable teaming, teaching, technological and communication skills all which make him an exceptional teacher. "
- Carolyn C.P. Alameida, 6th Grade ELA/SS 2015
"His dedication to helping all students achieve success will make him an asset at any school."
-Alison Ikeno, Kindergarten 2010
"Mr. Hansel demonstrates excellent classroom managment skills. He is creative and knowledgeable about elementary education."
- Margaret A. Donovan, Ed.D, University Supervisor 2010